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2003-08-24 - 9:25 a.m.

"I'm not the kind of dad that looks at you, or says stuff, but the love is there."

Well, the living room is clean, the hallway is vacuumed, the bathroom floor is cleared off, as well as the kitchen floor...the bath and the kitchen are the two hardest places to clean...why is that? maybe it's my aversion to dirty yucky stuff.

Yay, favorite_monkey is home!! Well, he's currently at work, but he's at least only 10 minutes away, as opposed to a 3 hour flight away. Picking him up at the airport wasn't nearly as complicated as i thought it would be. Shandria, that bitch from work, made it sound like the security team strip-searched you and your car for half an hour before letting you enter short-term parking. All the guy did was ask me to pop the trunk, shone his flashlight inside, closed it and told me to have a nice evening. I was even lucky enough to find a parking spot directly in front of the elevators, and even luckier to choose the elevators directly in front of the escalator that favorite_monkey would come down on! His flight came in early, so i stood right by the escalators and watched the crowds of people coming down until i saw a fuzzy monkey. It was all i could do to stand there and not shove people out over the sides of the escalator in a desperate attempt to be near him. I jittered and rocked back and forth as he sloooowly descended, gently set his luggage down, and finally threw his arms around me. I don't think i've ever hugged someone so tightly. But i've never missed someone so much, either.

I have to work 5-10 tonite. Oh, i have to call my mom and let her know that i'm not coming over tonite...forgot to do that. I figure we'll be pretty slow; it is Sunday, after all. I think Shandria and Eileen, my boss, are both off, so that's okay too. Karen and Anthony, the only two people i really like, will probably be seems to me that they always have night shifts. Hm.

I pick up Blue and Martini today. ^_^ Barbara the kitten lady called right after i finished that last entry, or thereabouts. i went over to see them that night...she let them into the house, so they were too busy exploring to sit and cuddle with me, but they didn't have a problem being picked up or petted or anything. She said that they are very cuddly on the porch were she's been keeping them, so i think they just were curious about the house they'd been living in but never seen. They're adorable. Barb's nice...and fucking insane. She repeats herself constantly. In the twenty minutes that i was there, she must have told me that her cat, Stewart, was in an upstairs bedroom becuz he didn't like the kittens at least 6 times. Not much of a sense of personal space either. I'm an arm's-length person, and she violated it all night. Chased me around the living room. She also looks like a female version of Gallagher the comic, right in the face. Very nice, though. She was also nice enough to tell me that if after a week or two i find out that these little babies are too much for me or that it's just not going to work out, she'll take them back. i don't forsee a problem, but that's nice to know.

i think i'm going to start a load of laundry about 10:30 or so, finish cleaning the bathroom (mostly the sink needs to be cleared off and the potty needs a quick scrub) and put some clothes away in the bedroom...the kitchen i really don't want to mess with; i really want to leave that to favorite_monkey, but i might run a load of dishes in the dishwasher, just to clear the sink out a bit. i'll keep an eye on the kitties and make sure they stay down on the floor. I'm looking around and i see that the house isn't exactly kitty-proof, but i really don't have another place for my bottle collection or the knick-knacks on my bookshelves. I'm hoping that, since there will be two of them, they'll keep each other out of trouble.

I already bought some ridiculous cat toys: a mouse-on-a-string that hangs from any doorframe, a featherduster-looking thing, two little fuzzy balls with bells inside, and a crinkly ball that hangs off a stick. I call it "the lazy man's cat toy." You can sit in your recliner and watch tv with this damn thing hanging over the side and your cat will go firking nuts on it. My aunt's cat did, anyway. The only thing that O'Malley would play with was that mouse-on-a-string. We actually went through two of the damn things, becuz he broke the first one...he ripped it off the hanger. I cut the string way down on it, so it looked like a tail, and he used to carry it around in his mouth wherever he went. So cute. I made sure that i got one this time, but a different color, so O'Malley wouldn't be jealous in heaven. Although, he shouldn't have been anyway, becuz he has his with him...we buried him with it.

Ok! Change of subject!!!

i'm glad i get paid again on Wednesday! Just a few more bills to pay for this month and the rent...if i get another job, i will miss this pay, but what are you gonna do, right? As long as i manage my money properly i'll be fine. I did an okay job of that the last few days; i only ate out a couple of times. I think we can eat at home everyday until at least Wednesday or Thursday this week before we have to go to the grocery store that a monkey is home, he can cook for me. Real food, yum.

Time to start my day!


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