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2003-08-24 - 1:13 p.m.

i think i'm going to rename them...mostly becuz Barb said that she never called them by their names, and i don't think Blue and Martini fit them well. I'm thinking of Miss Kitty and Big Brother. Miss Kitty becuz this little girl is so sweet and precious, and she walks very proper and lady-like. Big Brother becuz he's very protective of his little sister...he's only just now stopped patrolling the house and is sprawled out on the desk to my left, and Miss Kitty is on the desk to my right. I think they're wore out...they've had a busy day so far!! I was worried at first...they weren't upset at getting picked up, but they were shying away from my hand when i tried to pet them. Especially BB. Ooh, BB, i like that. Miss Kitty has been pretty sweet with me from the beginning...she played with the crinkly ball/string thing with me for a bit, and she ate the treats i gave her, and she's spent more time exploring around me. BB's only just come to me. I think, becuz Miss Kitty had only just lay down a few minutes before he did, that he needs to make sure that she's ok and happy before he can relax. I love that. When she was in the bedroom and he was in the bathroom, she meowed and he went running to her. I've never seen two animals interact so well before.

They're asleep.

I'm gonna go try and sit in the chair without disturbing them. Let me know what you think of their names!! I'll try and get pictures in the next few days, after they've relaxed more.


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